09 October 2020 -
22 November 2020
Gallifet Art Center together with Spring - Agence d’art contemporain, present Soft Power, a Parallèles du Sud / Manifesta exhibition featuring works by the following artists: Mali Arun, Amandine Guruceaga, Terencio Gonzalez, Shani Ha and Romain Langlois.
Part of a new generation seeking to engage with the urgent issues of our time, through their work, these five artists question the major social and environmental foundations underpinning today’s society.
350m2 of exhibition space house sculpture, painting, photography, video and installation works which explore and suggest new modes of living.
Our perceptions are gently shifted, barriers are dismantled, and we are invited to imagine a more symbiotic understanding of the world. Out of this complex epoch characterised by crises and mutations come new narratives and new ways of experiencing our relationship with otherness, humanity and the world which surround us.
This exhibition is open from Thursday to Sunday, from noon to 6pm and by appointment.
For more information please contact: expositions@hoteldegallifet.com