29 January 2022 -
12 March 2022

Living Room
Cycle 2

Group exhibition

Living Room Cycle 2

“Living Room” is much more than just an art exhibition, it is, rather, an invitation to come together via a programme that is both inspiring and full of life, a blank canvas for nine emerging artists enriched by a sequence of conversations, dinners and other events.

Throughout the winter, three cycles of the exhibition will take place. Each cycle will be comprised of the work of three of the invited artists, giving them carte blanche to present a multitude of perspectives and various, distinct artistic worlds and processes. Together the spaces of the art centre will form a living space, filled with different art works and objects, where you can spend time, relax, enjoy a drink with friends or work.

For the second cycle of the exhibition, which took place from the 29th of January to the 12th of March, we invited three young, emerging artists, Kenia Almaraz Murillo, Marion Flament and François Maurin. Full of potential and innovation, they all share a common aim in their wish to develop a sculptural practice which pushes the boundaries of the pictorial.

The three worlds created by the artists, as different as they are unique, interchange and overlap in this exhibition, constantly interrogating each other’s limits and boundaries. What are we actually dealing with faced with stained glass, weaving, painting, sculpture? What are the tensions between these disciplines? Is it possible to place the often fragile boundaries between art and craft are in in these artistic practices?

The three artists exhibiting their work, push the boundaries between the materials they work with, exploring the subjects and inviting us to take another look and allow ourselves to be surprised – taking us beyond preconceived ideas and interpretations.


Practical information 

This exhibition is open from Wednesday to Sunday, from noon to 6pm and by appointment. 

For more information please contact: expositions@hoteldegallifet.com
