17 November 2021 -
22 January 2022

Living Room Cycle 1

Exposition collective

Living Room Cycle 1

“Living Room” is much more than just an art exhibition, it is, rather, an invitation to come together via a program that is both inspiring and full of life. This program offers a blank canvas to six emerging artists and is enriched by a sequence of conversations, dinners, and various other events. 

Throughout the winter, two cycles of the exhibition will take place. These cycles will each display the work of three of the invited artists who will present a multitude of perspectives, works and distinct artistic worlds. The spaces within the art centre will thus be freely taken over by the artists so as to place Gallifet at the heart of their artistic worlds and processes. These blank canvases will together reflect a living room space, filled with different art works and objects, where you will be invited to spend time, relax enjoy a drink in our salon de thé.


The first cycle of exhibitions and encounters will take place from the 16 November until the 22 December. Here, the artists Lia Rochàs-Paris, Lola Reboud and Eric Antoine will explore questions regarding the materiality of images, memory and the position of Man in the Universe.




Practical Information 

This exhibition is open from Wednesday to Sunday,

From noon to 6pm and by appointment

For more information please contact: expositions@hoteldegallifet.com
